Vocational Services
Don’t see our special needs, recognize our specialties!
Job Development
Job Development is an individualized and systematic process of assessing an individual’s interest, strengths, limitations and vocational options to develop employment goals and objectives.
The program addresses questions covering areas such as resumes, applications, interview skills, appearance and work behavior.
Information is made available regarding the employment market and how to locate available positions for which an individual is suited. Services also include an evaluation and on the job training.
Dawn's Employment Services
Organization Employment Services provide opportunities for individuals not ready for competitive community employment.
The vocational training includes paid work experience with work skills training, vocational counseling, job related social skills training and work behavior identification and modification.
Vocational training will assist with employment barriers and help prepare individuals to move into community employment.
Community Supported Employment
Community Supported Employment provides services for individuals in employment such as work adjustment, placement, job coaching and if needed long term job coaching. Ongoing support to both the employer and individual is also provided.