Supported Living
Don’t see our special needs, recognize our specialties!
Residential Habilitation Services
Supported Living provides individually tailored services and supports to assist individuals in maintaining and/or increasing their independent living skills in their own homes, with their families, or an alternate family home successfully.
Supported Living services assist in maintaining individual health and safety as well as teaching daily living skills to maintain their optimum independence in their home.
24 Hour & Hourly
Hourly services are available for individuals who only require assistance part of the day.
Twenty-four-hour supports are available to individuals who require more assistance in their day-to-day tasks. Direct care staff aid individuals in a wide range of skills from home management to conflict resolution.
Community Involvement
Dawn Enterprises strives to help individuals become as independent as possible. We encourage them to participate in and support community businesses and events. Our overall goal is for individuals to become independent, active members of the community.